Pinot Grigio Is Great

White kosher wine is perfect for the warmer months of the year. Served chilled, they leave one with a happy, relaxed feeling , without the potential sleepiness of a red, and are great with light fare, or on their own.

Pinot grigio is a particular white kosher wine that deserves a spotlight. Originally a mutant form of the pinot noir grape, the pinot gris relative is grown in abundance in Italy, where it produces the popular Pinot Grigio wine that so many American consumers know and love.

A crisp, dry Jewish wine, the grapes are usually picked early before full acidity is imparted upon reaching ripeness. This wine is great to drink young, and has a clean, short finish, perfect for pairing with seafood. Be sure to avoid pairing it with acidic fruits, like oranges or tomatoes.

This wine is becoming increasingly popular and today is the most imported wine in the United States. Although some sommeliers disdain it for its lack of presence, a good pinot grigio kosher wine can be found. When judging this wine, look for a nose and robust flavors, particularly those of pear or even grapefruit. And if you’re feeling like celebrating, get some champagne, the grigio’s chic French cousin.


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