Start Your Own Wine Cellar with Jewish Wine!

Whether you're a chef or simply a lover of wine, starting your own wine cellar at home can have many benefits. A Jewish wine cellar will improve your cooking, increase the value of your home, and—most important—make entertaining a breeze.

So, what should you buy? Honestly, there's only one thing guests like, and that's variety. To please everyone, I recommend stocking up on more than one type of wine—blush, red, and white—as well as sampling a variety of regions, including Spanish, French, and Italian wine, all of which supply kosher bottles.

Filling an entire cellar can be intimidating, so I recommend you begin with the modest goal of 60 bottles. You might want to adjust this number of if your entertain or cook more or less than usual, however keep in mind that many individuals and families consume at least one or two bottles of Jewish wine a week.

Having 60 wines also leaves room for variety—not just in color and region but also in price. Most people can't afford to stock their cellars exclusively with the most expensive bottles, but having one or two top quality vintages can make for some special evenings. And if you're just getting together with a bunch of old friends, you might feel more comfortable popping open a bottle that only costs around $20.

Last, you should consider drawing some of your 60 kosher wines from the standards: Manischewitz wine and Kedem wine. In addition to their reliably satisfying taste, these wines carry with them long legacy that will enhance your wine cellar in spirit alone—no pun intended!


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