Kosher Wine Recipes? You Bet!

Apparently a lot of people think that just because a wine is Kosher or tastes a certain way, it can't be placed into a recipe. But, this just isn't so! Anything with alcohol and good flavoring which can add a layer of flavor can be added to food. It doesn't matter if it's a big dish like a casserole, or if it's a sauce like a Beurre Blanc - any wine can be utilized to create good layers! Two of the most popular Jewish wine brands such as Manischewitz wine and Kedem wine can be made with a varying amount of foods!

For example, the Manischewitz wine has a really great recipe for a cake. Yep. A cake! For this dish you would want to use the Cherry wine - it's going to have a superb cherry flavor, somewhat bitter, somewhat sweet. The cake is actually soaked in the wine - think of a rum cake, minus the rum! The Kedem wine has a pretty cool recipe as well that I saw online for a cheese fondue. Instead of using the usual white wine (Italian or French) or beer, you would replace it with the Kedem wine.

A good one to try would be something dry like a Chablis, white, and broad flavors. Just by looking online, I'm almost positive you can find dozens upon dozens of amazingly flavorful recipes using Kosher wine! So, for those who say these wines can only be drunk - you don't know what you're missing out on!


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