Travel the World Without Leaving Your Living Room with Robust Kosher Wine

Because of the recession, my husband and I had to cancel our European vacation this year, but that doesn’t mean our palates couldn’t travel. We found a great website offering a fantastic selection of kosher wines, drawing from countries the world over. One evening we’ll be strolling around the south of France, appreciating the region’s earthy flavors, and before I know it we’re in Tuscany, sampling a perfect Sangiovese. And if we’re feeling homesick, we pop open a bottle from California’s Napa Valley.

What’s really great is we don’t even have to travel to the store to find any of these great Jewish wines. We just log onto, where we can browse bottles right in our living room and have them delivered to our door. The interface makes it simple to search for specific traits, like color, texture, and alcohol content.

And for those really special evenings, we browse the same great site for kosher spirits, from bourbon to rum to tequila. With so many great options, we never have to sacrifice diversity of flavor to keep kosher!


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